Saturday, May 31, 2008

Making a Difference

One of my favorite online sites is 43 Things. What I love about it the most is how easy it makes it to be an encouragement to other people. Encouraging those who have doubts and building up those who can see the vision but who can't quite see themselves holding the prize is one of my passions. So I just adore how easy they make it.

For example, one of the items on my list is
buy a stranger something from their Amazon wishlist every month. I started out fine with this, purchasing something for two separate people but then I found myself in a financial situation that wouldn't allow me to continue. Well, I'm finally back to a point in my life where I can take part in this again and that's what I did today. I bought a lady named Amber from Brighton, Illinois, something from her Amazon wishlist and she should receive it some time this week.

You can probably guess how awesome this makes me feel. It was definitely worth the fourteen or so dollars it cost me to have it shipped.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

What's Happening

Long Absense
In poetic form.

I re-a-lize it's been a while
since I last have blogged.

Forgive me, but I didn't know
I deserved to be flogged.

It seems my mental plumbing has
become a little clogged.
Nuff' said.

New Job
On February 11th, I started a new job working for Xerox at IBM here in Rochester, Minnesota. My responsibilities include: managing print queues, coordinating the deployment of network printers, and assisting with reproduction. I enjoy the work, but I'm exhausted at the end of the day.

Poetry Group
Thanks to the determination of local poet, Paul Walsh and others, we have started an official chapter of the League of Minnesota Poets (LOMP) in Rochester. We chose the unassuming name of Southeastern Minnesota Poets, and meet the third Saturday of the month. We had our first meeting in January. At our second meeting, we voted for officers. I was elected president. As such, I attended the spring convention in Roseville, Minnesota and was allowed to sit in on the business meeting. To honor the creation of our group, the board of directors awarded us the challenge of hosting the fall convention. One of my first orders of business will be to coordinate the event.

Another order of business for our poetry group is to publish a chapbook of member poetry. We are shooting for 96 pages and hope to have it available by the fall convention.

Karaoke Contest
I had such a great time judging BAM Karaoke's contest last fall that I agreed for a second go. The contest took place from the last weekend in January until the second weekend in April. And boy was it fun. We followed a similar format as the previous contest, five weeks of qualification and five weeks of elimination, and boy did we see the talent. We awarded the winners on April 12th.